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Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

Dedicated volunteers are essential for Shalom Village

Become a volunteer at Shalom Village

Volunteer With Us

As a not-for-profit organization, Shalom Village relies on a dedicated team of volunteers to help us provide the best possible care to our residents and participants. Our goal is to encourage volunteer development in a way that helps us achieve Shalom Village’s mission, while also providing a rewarding experience for volunteers.

Whether you give residents a boost with weekly visits or help staff by answering telephones or working in the office, you will know you are making a difference in someone’s life.

Our volunteer team is a diverse, all-ages group that includes residents, family members, students, retired people and other motivated community members. Volunteers are integral in helping us to achieve Shalom Village’s mission.

Why volunteer?

Regardless of whether you want to support a worthy cause, nurture new skills and strengths, or simply because you believe in Shalom Village’s mission, volunteering at Shalom Village offers many benefits:

  • Support a cause you believe in
  • Develop skills and gain work experience
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Meet new peopleMake a difference in someone’s life
  • Share your interests, skills and talents with others
  • Express your gratitude for help you have received in the past
  • Meet volunteer requirements for educational programs

What do Shalom Village volunteers do?

  • Answer the telephones
  • Assist with resident programs and outings
  • Provide residents with a little company through visits
  • Help with Shabbat services
  • Work in Bubbi Bessie’s Café
  • Work in the Corner Store gift shop
  • Push a wheelchair in the Shalom Village Annual Walk/Run
  • Show residents how to Skype with their families
  • Serve scones at the annual tea
  • Play the piano
  • Light office work
  • Deliver mail
  • Play cards with residents
  • Teach crafts
  • Make a difference in someone’s life

For information about volunteering at Shalom Village, please contact Reception at 905-529-1613 x 221 or

Shalom Village

To find out more about living at Shalom Village, please call to arrange and interview!

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Contact Us

Shalom Village

70 Macklin St N., Hamilton, ON

tel: (905) 529-1613

fax: (905) 529-7542