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Join us at Family Council!

Shalom Village

Family Council

Many Long Term Care Residents cannot speak for themselves and require others to advocate for them. Family Council gives families, friends, and persons of importance to Residents the opportunity to be involved in decisions that directly affect them and their loved ones.

Family Council Members are the families, friends, and persons of importance to Long Term Care Residents at Shalom Village. All family members, friends, and persons of importance of Long Term Care Residents are invited to participate in Family Council, including those whose loved ones have passed.

The Role of Family Council

Family Council Members volunteer their time to:

  • Provide support and advocacy for Residents
  • Empower, inspire, and encourage the sharing of knowledge and experiences
  • Present education on relevant topics concerning Residents, Long Term Care Homes, Caregivers, and  Medical Advances
  • Inform Shalom Village Leadership about issues and challenges, and provide input in decisions that affect Residents, Families/ Friends/Persons of Importance to Residents
  • Help to enhance the quality of life of Residents
  • Offer ideas and suggestions in the interests of Residents, Families/Friends/Persons of Importance to Residents, and Staff
  • Create a link between Residents, Families/Friends/Persons of Importance to Residents, and Staff

 Key Family Council Accomplishments So Far

  • Procured more Accessible Parking Spots in both SVO & SVToo parking lots
  • Family Council Member made 5 Frontline Hero Bears that have been placed at each LTC Nursing Station and the Recreation Department to thank the Staff for their dedication and hard work
  • Sensory Blankets knitted/crocheted and given to Residents who would like one, specifically those with Dementia – All personalized to their likes and colour preferences
  • Montessori Activities purchased for Residents, especially those with Dementia, in both buildings and on both floors

Family Council Meetings

Family Council Meetings are held virtually on the third Thursday of every month (Dates may change due to Holidays).

Guest speakers are often invited to Family Council Meetings, including Shalom Village Leadership Team Members, who provide information and feedback on issues discussed during meetings.

For more information, please contact Olivia Francis, Resident Relations Coordinator, Long Term Care, and Family Council Liaison, at (905) 529-1613 x 370.

Family Council Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2024 Minutes

March 21, 2024 Minutes 


Shalom Village

To find out more about living at Shalom Village, please call to arrange and interview!

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Contact Us

Shalom Village

70 Macklin St N., Hamilton, ON

tel: (905) 529-1613

fax: (905) 529-7542